Meaning of CHAPEL in English

noun a small building attached to a church.

2. chapel ·noun an association of workmen in a printing office.

3. chapel ·noun a subordinate place of worship.

4. chapel ·noun a small church, often a private foundation, as for a memorial.

5. chapel ·vt to deposit or inter in a chapel; to enshrine.

6. chapel ·noun a room or recess in a church, containing an altar.

7. chapel ·noun a choir of singers, or an orchestra, attached to the court of a prince or nobleman.

8. chapel ·noun in england, a place of worship used by dissenters from the established church; a meetinghouse.

9. chapel ·noun a place of worship not connected with a church; as, the chapel of a palace, hospital, or prison.

10. chapel ·noun a printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in england in a chapel near westminster abbey.

11. chapel ·vt to cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) so to turn or make a circuit as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing.

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