ədˈv- also (ˈ)ad|v- adjective
Etymology: Middle English avaunced, from past participle of avauncen
1. : far on in time or course
a man advanced in years
an advanced state of exhaustion
the night was well advanced
2. : moved or set forward or in the front : advance
advanced air bases
captured by an advanced unit of the infantry
established a new advanced post
a. : beyond the elementary or introductory : carrying on from that which precedes
an advanced course
advanced chemistry
b. : in front of or beyond others as regards progress or ideas
the most advanced artists and critics
believed himself to be very advanced in his views
c. : greatly developed beyond the initial stage
a technologically advanced world
turbines of an advanced construction
4. : having altered from a presumed ancestral state
he regards the jaw as more advanced than those of the Rhodesian group — R.W.Murray
Synonyms: see liberal