Meaning of COMMON DENOMINATOR in English


1. : a common multiple of the denominators of a number of fractions


a. : something that marks a group of things as alike or that characterizes a group or class : a trait or characteristic in common

the essence of religious experience, the actual common denominator of the world's great religions — H.J.Muller

diverse writings whose only common denominator was a supposed sophistication — J.D.Hart

the common denominator in this collection of distraught … men and women is that they are all Americans who are dissatisfied with their lives — Harrison Smith

b. : something on which all in a group may agree

trying to find a common denominator that would bring the opposing factions of the party together

c. : a strain, theme, quality, or trait persisting throughout a mass of material (as the writings of an author)

the common denominator, the atmosphere and the whole tempo of a writer's work may be recorded by just one sentence — Paul Potts

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