Meaning of DONE in English


Etymology: Middle English doon, ydoon (past participle of don, doon to do), from Old English gedōn, past participle of dōn to do; akin to Old High German gitān done — more at do

past part & nonstandard past of do

II. ˈdən adjective

Etymology: Middle English doon, ydoon, from doon, ydoon, past participle

1. : conformable to social convention or the proprieties of a sport, profession, or system of protocol : according with good breeding or the amenities : decorous

you know it isn't done to hold hands in public places — Louis Auchincloss

at table there are cases where now it is the done thing to use the fingers

2. : arrived at the finish or the very end of a course or of one's concern : having reached adequate accomplishment or the limit of one's need, use, or endurance : through

just one more question and I'm done

certain to make history before he's done

will you never get done with that scraping

3. : having strength or energy depleted : quite exhausted : suffering collapse : spent

the camels were too done to carry our weight — T.E.Lawrence

— often used with up

are you done up, or would you like to take me up the ladder and show me the sights — Elmer Davis

4. of time : brought to an end : gone by

he said the day of the circus big top is done

5. : doomed to failure, defeat, or death

industry in this section is done

6. : cooked or roasted sufficiently (as for serving)

the meat is done

7. : fitted out or dressed especially in flawless or in elaborate fashion : given finishing touches

his clothes in press, his shoes perfectly done — Emily Post

— sometimes used with up

III. adverb

1. dialect : already

2. dialect : actually , exceedingly

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