I. ˈēst adverb
Etymology: Middle English est, from Old English ēast; akin to Old High German ōstar to the east, in the east, Old Norse austr to the east, Latin aurora dawn, Greek ēōs, Sanskrit uṣas
: to, toward, or in the east : eastward
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English est, from Old English ēast-, from ēast, adverb
a. : situated toward or at the east
the east gate
[Middle English est, from Old English ēastan-, from ēastan, adv; akin to Old High German ōstana from the east, Old Norse austan; derivative from the root of English east (I) ]
: coming from the east
the east wind
2. : situated in the direction of the altar from the nave of a church : being or situated in that part of a church containing the chancel
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English est, from est, adverb
a. : the general direction of sunrise : the direction toward the right of one facing north
b. : the part of the sky in which celestial bodies rise ; specifically : the place on the horizon where the sun rises when it is near one of the equinoxes
c. : the cardinal point directly opposite to west — abbr. E ; see compass card
d. : the point of the horizon having an azimuth or bearing of 90° and marking one intersection of the horizon and the celestial equator : the direction of the earth's daily rotation : the direction on the celestial sphere opposite to its apparent rotation : the direction of increasing right ascension or celestial longitude : the direction of revolution around the sun of the earth and the principal planets when seen from the north side of their orbits
2. usually capitalized
a. : regions or countries lying to the east of a specified or implied point of orientation
the worn mountains of the East
b. : something (as people, culture, or institutions) characteristic of the East
the East is strongly opposed to these innovations
the East has produced some of our most original thinkers
3. : the east wind
4. often capitalized : the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies toward the east ; often : a person (as a bridge player or a Masonic officer) occupying this position in the course of a specific activity
IV. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: east (I)
: to move or veer toward the east : orient
V. noun
( -s )
Etymology: by alteration
dialect : yeast