Meaning of INCOMPETENT in English

I. “+ adjective

Etymology: Middle French, incompétent, from in- in- (I) + compétent — more at competent


a. : lacking the qualities (as maturity, capacity, initiative, intelligence) necessary to effective independent action


(1) : lacking specific qualifications to perform a legal function or duty or exercise a legal right — often used without implication of any kind with respect to personal fitness; distinguished from incapable

a wife is usually considered incompetent to testify against her husband in a criminal case

(2) : not acceptable in court because obtained from a legally incompetent source

incompetent testimony

incompetent evidence

: inadmissible

c. : exhibiting or characterized by organic incompetence

an incompetent mitral valve

d. : inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose expressed or implied

certain genotypes are phenotypically incompetent

an incompetent system of government

pipes incompetent to carry a full head of steam

2. : being or forming strata and rock structures that have not the rigidity or strength to transmit particular stresses but that crush or flow under them

• in·competently “+ adverb

II. noun

( -s )

: one that is incompetent: as

a. : a person incapable of managing his affairs because of mental deficiency or immaturity

children and idiots are incompetents in the eyes of the law

b. : one incapable of doing properly what is required (as in a particular position)

incompetents in public office

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