I. ˈliŋk noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hlinc; akin to Old English hlanc lank — more at lank
a. now dialect Britain : a ridge of land : stretch of rising ground
b. links plural , chiefly Scotland : sandy level or undulating land built up along a coastline
2. links plural but singular or plural in construction
a. archaic : a seaside golf course : a golf course built on coastal links
b. : golf course
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hlekkr chain, link; akin to Old Norse hlykkr bend, noose — more at lank
1. : a connecting structure (as a loop by which something is made fast): as
a. links plural , obsolete : fetters
(1) : a single ring or division of a chain
(2) : one of the standardized links of a surveyor's chain being 7.92 inches long and serving as a measure of length
c. : cuff link
d. : bond 3e
e. : an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion ; especially : a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end
f. : the fusible member of a fuse designed to melt when an excessive current flows
g. : a metal unit that connects the cartridges of an automatic weapon and with them forms a feed belt
2. : something analogous to a link of chain (as in form, function, or serial arrangement): as
(1) : one of the segments into which sausage in continuous casing is usually constricted (as by tying) at regular intervals
(2) : a small sausage resembling one of the links of a chain of sausage but not being part of a chain
(3) links plural : a chain of sausages
b. : a unifying element : a means of connecting or communicating
the letters that were the last link with her past
love of nature forms a link with our pioneer ancestors
c. : a constructive part of a mechanism having at least two elements belonging to different pairs
d. : a unit in a communication system (as a radio transmitter and receiver operating together to form part of a more extensive communication system)
3. links plural , dialect : a winding of a river or watercourse ; also : the ground along such a winding
4. : a step in ballroom dancing involving weaving forward and back in the manner of the grapevine
III. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English linken, from link (II)
transitive verb
1. : to couple or connect by or as if by a connecting element
to link the new settlements on the Pacific with the settled east — R.H.Brown
none of the subjects that linked us together could be talked about — Nevil Shute
linking the human heart to the life of the earth — Laurence Binyon
— often used with up
the … elaborate network of schools linked up with industry — A.R.Williams
2. dialect Britain : to take (a person) by the arm usually as an escort : walk arm in arm with
3. chiefly Britain : loop 3
intransitive verb
1. : to become coupled or connected especially by means of a connecting element
a piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod
— often used with up
the two families link up through the marriage of a daughter and son
2. : to form a connection or association
the newer company linked with several older ones in self-protection
especially : to join company — often used with up
linked up with two young waitresses … off for the evening — Earle Birney
Synonyms: see join
IV. adjective
Etymology: link (II)
1. : relating to or made of links
a link fence
link sausage
2. : serving to connect ; specifically : functioning as a linguistic connective
V. noun
( -s )
Etymology: perhaps modification of Medieval Latin linchinus, lichinus candle, lamp, alteration of Latin lychnus, from Greek lychnos; akin to Greek leukos bright, white — more at light
1. : a torch (as of tow and pitch) formerly used to light a person on his way through the streets
2. : linkboy , linkman
3. obsolete : a black coloring agent or blacking sometimes considered to have been lampblack
VI. intransitive verb
Etymology: origin unknown
Scotland : to trip along : walk or move smartly and quickly
VII. adjective
Etymology: Yiddish, from Middle High German linc, lenc left, awkward, ignorant; akin to Old High German lenka left hand and probably to Latin languēre to be languid — more at slack
: not devout : lax in respect to religious observances
VIII. noun
: an identifier attached to an element (as an index term) in a system in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements ; especially : one (as a hyperlink) in a computer file