I. R pə(r)ˈfȯrmən(t)s, - R pəˈfȯ(ə)m- noun
( -s )
a. : the act or process of carrying out something : the execution of an action
a repetitive act the performance of which is facilitated by repetition — D.W.Maurer & V.H.Vogel
satisfactory performance on achievement tests — S.C.Brownstein & Mitchel Weiner
b. : something accomplished or carried out : accomplishment , feat
could entertain in his own house — a difficult if not impossible performance in the present dearth of domestic help — E.H.Collis
c. : a literary or artistic composition : work
for a new writer this novel would be rated a brilliant performance — E.C.Wagenknecht
2. : the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request : implementation
contracts whose performance would violate the act are unenforceable — Harvard Law Review
a. : the action of representing a character in a dramatic work
congratulated him on his daughter's performance in the play
b. : a public presentation or exhibition
his current collection of sculpture and paintings … is a truly handsome performance — R.M.Coates
the play ran for 285 performances
the orchestra gave a benefit performance
the first performance of a new symphony
c. : something resembling a dramatic representation
get the child to a place where you both can get over the effects of such a performance — H.R.Litchfield & L.H.Dembo
looking to see if anyone caught them going through such a silly performance — G.E. & Nettie MacGinitie
a. : the ability to perform : capacity to achieve a desired result : efficiency
senescence represents a marked decline in function and performance — George Lawton
a good power-weight ratio not only improves performance but lowers fuel consumption — Grenville Manton
b. : the factors (as speed, rate of climb, ceiling) influencing such capacity in an airplane
c. : the acceleration, power, and speed of an automobile
5. : the manner of reacting to various stimuli : behavior
variation in the performance of the skin structures
the performance of the stock market
specifically : the rate of sale of a product
the bookseller enters the Christmas and spring selling seasons … with hundreds of unknown books whose performance he must watch — Canadian Forum
II. noun
: the linguistic behavior of an individual : parole 6 ; also : the ability to speak a certain language — compare competence 2 herein