I. ]t\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin permanent-, permanens, present participle of permanēre to endure, remain, from per- through, throughout + manēre to remain — more at per- , mansion
: continuing or enduring (as in the same state, status, place) without fundamental or marked change : not subject to fluctuation or alteration : fixed or intended to be fixed : lasting , stable
literature of permanent , not ephemeral, value
likely to cause permanent injury
the paintings in the permanent collection
elected permanent chairman of the convention
• per·ma·nent·ness noun -es
II. noun
( -s )
1. : one that is permanent ; specifically : something (as a quality, element, entity) conceived of as abiding or eternal
the permanents of existence — D.W.Gotshalk
2. : permanent wave
an unbecoming permanent — Ruth Domino