Meaning of PRESIDIAL in English

prə̇ˈsidēəl adjective

Etymology: Late Latin praesidialis of a garrison, from Latin praesidium defense, garrison, fortification (from praesid-, praeses guard, president, ruler, from praesidēre to guard, preside over) + -alis -al — more at preside

1. : of, having, or constituting a garrison

three presidial castles in this city — James Howell


[influenced in meaning by Late Latin praesidalis of a provincial governor, from Latin praesid-, praeses guard, president, ruler + -alis -al]

a. : presidential 1

presidial power

presidial cabinet

b. : presidential 2

judgment holds in me a presidial seat — Charles Cotton


[French présidial being a presidial court, from Middle French presidial, alteration (influenced by Late Latin praesidialis of a garrison) of presidal, from Late Latin praesidalis of a provincial governor]

: of or relating to a province : provincial

presidial seat of justice

— see presidial court

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