I. -zhən ə l, -zhnəl adjective
Etymology: provision (I) + -al
1. : provided for a temporary need : suitable or acceptable in the existing situation but subject to change or nullification : tentative , conditional
a provisional government set up in territory freed from enemy control
a provisional appointment
a provisional classification
a provisional interpretation of the data
their beliefs are relative and provisional — Walter Lippmann
2. archaic : marked by foresight : provident
this provisional care in every species — Oliver Goldsmith
3. : of or relating to special or extraordinary legal acts or proceedings allowed before final judgment to protect the interests of one or more parties to an action at law (as under the code procedure of New York and some other states remedies had by order of arrest, warrant of attachment, temporary injunction, or appointment of a receiver)
4. of a postage stamp : overprinted or issued for temporary use especially as a substitute for a regular issue that has not yet been made or that has not yet been received in the country or territory where it is to be used — contrasted with definitive
• pro·vi·sion·al·ly -zhən ə lē, -zhnəlē, -i adverb
II. noun
( -s )
: a provisional postage stamp