I. re·cord rə̇ˈkȯ(ə)rd, rēˈ-, -ȯ(ə)d verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English recorden to recall, recite, set down in writing, from Old French recorder, from Latin recordari to call to mind, remember, from re- + cord-, cor heart, mind — more at heart
transitive verb
a. obsolete : recall , remember
b. archaic : sing , warble
hear the lark record her hymns — Edward Fairfax
(1) : to set down in writing : make a written account or note of : furnish written evidence of : put into written form
a people that carefully recorded their history
recorded her impressions in a series of books
recorded the sounds heard in phonetic symbols
(2) : to make or have made an authentic official copy of (as a deed, mortgage, lease) and deposit or have deposited especially as in an office designated by law
(3) : to cause to be noted officially in or as if in writing
recording and tallying the votes
recorded the proceedings of the court
(1) : to make an objective lasting indication of in some mechanical or automatic way : register permanently by mechanical means
studied the intensity of the earthquake as it had been recorded by the seismograph
(2) of an instrument : to point out (data) at a particular time or under particular circumstances on or as if on a scale : show in this way
noticed that at that moment the thermometer recorded 90°
c. : to give evidence of
the extent of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks of the surrounding area
a. : to cause (sound, visual images) to be transferred to and registered on something (as a phonograph disc, magnetic tape) by mechanical usually electronic means in such a way that the thing so transferred and registered can (as by the use of a phonograph, tape recorder) be subsequently reproduced
b. : to register in this way a performance of (as an orchestra, singer, actor) or rendition or playing of (as a piece of music, an instrument)
intransitive verb
a. : to record something
spent the whole day recording
b. : to admit of being recorded
a voice that records beautifully
2. archaic : sing , warble
II. rec·ord ˈrekə(r)d, -ˌkȯ(ə)rd, -ȯ(ə)d noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from recorder to record
a. : the state or fact of being recorded
b. : something (as a monument) on which a record has been made
(1) : evidence, knowledge, or information remaining in permanent form (as a relic, inscription, document)
the record of an extinct people
(2) : an account in writing or print (as in a document) or in some other permanent form (as on a monument) intended to perpetuate a knowledge of acts or events
2. : something that serves to record: as
(1) : a piece of writing that recounts or attests to something
a record of the early history of a nation
(2) : an official contemporaneous document recording the acts of some public body or public officer
a record of city ordinances
(3) : an authentic official copy of a document entered in a book or deposited in the keeping of some officer designated by law — compare conveyance 2b
(4) : an official contemporaneous memorandum stating the proceedings of a court of justice
(5) : an official copy of the legal papers used in a case and of memoranda of the proceedings of the court
b. : something that is known or can be learned or has been recorded: as
(1) : an officially or sometimes nonofficially attested top performance or achievement (as in a competitive sport)
a high jump that broke the record
(2) : cumulative data usually consisting of written systematically arranged notes relating to an individual's or group's activities, abilities, accomplishments, or physical or moral qualities in a particular area (as school, business)
a child with a good school record
carefully kept health records
(3) : a body of known, recorded, or available facts about something : the sum of something done or achieved or the body of data known, recorded, or available about something
looked at the record of the candidate
had a long criminal record
a brilliant record as an executive
3. : something to which sound has been transferred by mechanical usually electronic means and so registered as to be capable of subsequent reproduction by a specially designed instrument ; specifically : a disc with a spiral groove carrying recorded sound
- off the record
- of record
- on record
III. record adjective
: of, relating to, or consisting of something (as a performance, occurrence, condition) that goes beyond or is extraordinary among others of its kind
a record run
record prices
record heat
IV. record noun
: a collection of related items of information (as in a database) treated as a unit