Meaning of RING in English

I. ˈriŋ noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hring; akin to Old Frisian, Old Saxon, & Old High German hring ring, Old Norse hringr, Crimean Gothic rinck, ringo ring, Umbrian krenkatrum belt, Old Slavic krǫgŭ circle, Latin curvus curved — more at crown


a. : a circular or curved band (as of metal, wood, fabric, or plastic) used for holding, connecting, hanging, or pulling

curtain ring

key ring

towel ring

the ring of a drawer pull

the ring of an anchor

b. : one of the small iron circles used in making chain mail

c. : a usually circular band of metal or other material used for packing or sealing

rubber rings for sealing fruit jars

specifically : piston ring


a. : a circlet of metal or other material often set with a gem that is worn on the finger as an ornament, token, or amulet or for use as a seal

diamond ring

fraternal ring

— see engagement ring , signet ring , wedding ring ; compare band I 6e

b. : a circlet of metal or other material worn as an ornament on any part of the body (as the arm, ankle, toe) — compare earring

3. : the rim or border of a circular object

the ring of the horizon


a. : any circular or continuous round line, figure, or object

coffee cup rings on a table

dog with a ring of white around his neck — F.B.Gipson

smoke rings

ring of scum in a washbasin

b. : an encircling arrangement (as of persons, things, or material)

a ring of suburbs

a ring of encircling hills — G.H.Reed b.1887

surrounded by a wide ring of suspicion — Bradford Smith

c. : a circular or spiral course

run in rings

— often used figuratively in the plural with around and often with run to characterize a performance that easily or greatly surpasses that of a competitor

the mayoral candidate ran rings around his opponent

was always working rings around the boys — R.P.Parsons

a chorus that can dance rings around any other — Time

d. : a circular ripple on the surface of a liquid

e. : ringlet

distracting rings of her hair — Mary Austin

her light curly hair stuck to her forehead in baby rings — Mary J. Ward



(1) : an enclosed often circular or oval space especially for exhibitions (as of riding) or competitions (as races)

stock sales ring

exercise ring

(2) : a structure containing such a ring ; specifically : bullring

b. : a usually circular space in the arena of a circus covered with tanbark or sawdust and used for performances (as of animal trainers and their charges) — see three-ring circus

c. : the occupation of a circus performer — used with the

abandoning the stage for the ring — T.W.Duncan


a. : an enclosure usually about 20 feet square marked by ropes attached to posts at the corners and raised on a platform in which boxers or wrestlers contest ; also : this enclosure together with its supporting platform — see prize ring

b. : prizefighting

fought a few professional bouts only to decide against continuing in the ring — Current Biography

end of his ring career

7. : a cut made into or through the bark and around the trunk or a limb of a tree

8. : one of the ridges increasing in number with age that encircle the horns of cattle

9. : one of three concentric bands usually believed to be composed of meteoric fragments revolving around the planet Saturn

10. rings plural : the cage at masthead for lookout (as on a whaling vessel) — compare crow's nest


a. : annulus 5

b. : growth ring


a. : an enclosure or space devoted to betting at a horse race

b. : those who bet in a ring ; especially : the bookmakers of a ring


a. : an archivolt made up of a half ring of voussoirs

b. : a parallel course of half bricks or other small voussoirs forming a rowlock arch

c. : an encircling architectural element (as a corridor or a series of rooms)


a. : an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish and often corrupt purpose (as to control the market, distribute offices, or obtain contracts)

not a member of the inner party ring — Times Literary Supplement

had the courage to tackle price rings — Seamus Brady

organized rings stealing cars — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union

innocent women were frequently framed by a ring consisting of police officers, stool pigeons, bondsmen and lawyers — Morris Ploscowe

b. : a temporary group of persons working cooperatively : pool

organization of spray rings where a group of growers uses one spraying outfit — Experiment Station Record


a. : a series of buyers and sellers in a produce exchange in which each buyer is the seller in the same amount of the same goods to another buyer so that the entire series of transactions can be settled by ringing out

b. : pit I 1b(9)

16. : the field of a political contest : race

threw his hat into the presidential ring

17. : a circle drawn around a marginal marking on a proof to indicate that the change ordered is not in correction of a printer's error, that the circled writing is a query to the author, or that a circled arabic numeral or abbreviation is to be spelled out


a. : spinning ring

b. : ring spinner

19. : food in the shape of a circle: as

a. : cooked food folded in a circle

noodle ring

ring cake

b. : a long sausage tied together at the ends

Polish ring

20. : water ring

21. : a circle of worked stitches used to form patterns in tatting

22. : an arrangement of atoms represented in formulas or models in a cyclic manner or as a closed chain and commonly consisting of five or six atoms although smaller and also much larger rings are known

carbocyclic and heterocyclic rings

— called also cycle ; compare benzene ring , nucleus 2j, open chain , structural formula

23. chiefly Britain : a band attached (as to the leg of a bird) to identify

24. : a pair of meiotic chromosomes associated end-to-end due to the formation of terminal chiasmata at both ends of the pair

25. : one of a pair of heavy usually leather covered metal circles suspended from the ceiling or a crossbar and used for gymnastic exercise

26. : a round disk of rattan or metal with intertwined thongs used to prevent a ski pole from sinking into the snow

27. Australia : ringer II 4

28. : an aggregate in which addition is commutative, the product of two elements is unique, and multiplication is distributive with respect to addition and associative

II. verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Middle English ringen, from ring, n.

transitive verb

1. : to place or form a ring entirely or nearly around : station or take position around in a ring or cordon : mark by drawing a ring around : encircle

ringed on three sides by mountains — American Guide Series: New Hampshire

a guard was set that he might not flee — a score of bayonets ringed the tree — Rudyard Kipling

a name that has ringed the world — advt

2. : to place a ring on : provide with a ring: as

a. : to put a ring in the nose or around the neck in order to subdue, check, or shackle

hogs ringed to prevent rooting

b. chiefly Britain : to place a ring around the leg of (a bird or animal) to classify or identify : band

3. : to wheel around : run or ride around encircling (as to prevent straying or escape) : move in a circle

eagles sailing round and round them like sheep dogs ringing a flock — Francis Ratcliffe

herders ringing cattle

4. : girdle 3

5. : to throw a ring over (the mark) in a game where rings or other curved objects (as horseshoes) are tossed at a standing or projecting mark

6. : to exhibit or exercise in a ring : introduce into a ring (as at a dog or horse show or a circus)

7. : to settle (a contract) by ringing out

8. : to enter (as a horse or dog) in a contest as a ringer

intransitive verb


a. : to move in a ring

b. : to rise in the air spirally

2. : to form or take the shape of a ring

Synonyms: see surround

- ring an anchor

III. verb

( rang ˈraŋ, -aiŋ ; also rung ˈrəŋ ; rung ; ringing ; rings )

Etymology: Middle English ringen, from Old English hringan; akin to Middle Dutch ringen to ring, Old Norse hringja to ring, hrang noise, din, Tocharian B kraṅko cock, Lithuanian krañkti to croak, Sanskrit kruṅ curlew, and perhaps to Old English hræfn raven — more at raven

intransitive verb

1. : to sound clearly and resonantly

the ringing of many bells

the doorbell rang

dense porcelaneous ware usually high fired enough to ring — W.E.Cox

weird ringing voices of veeries — W.P.Smith

2. : to sound loudly and sonorously

cheers rang out

his voice rang with indignation

the trumpet rang

oaths rang across the stable yard — Margaret Kennedy


a. : to be filled with a ringing or reverberating sound : resound , echo

woods rang with the sound of the ax

b. : to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound

his ears rang

4. : to cause something to ring (as in giving a summons)

ring for breakfast

5. : to engage in bell ringing or making music with bells


a. : to become filled with talk or report

newspapers rang with the unknown author's story — W.E.Smith

the world rang with his fame

their letters ring with sincere praise — advt

b. : to cause much talk : have great renown

his deeds rang through the country

c. : to sound repetitiously : din

their praises rang in our ears

a tune that rings in one's memory

7. : to have a particular sound or character expressive of some quality

a spirited story that rings true in all its incidental details — Frances Gaither

piece of empty heroics, which must ring false from the screen — Lee Rogow

a well-meant effort rang hollow — S.L.A.Marshall

his heroine … is a little too sensitive to ring true — James Yaffe

8. chiefly Britain : to place a telephone call : telephone — usually used with up or through

transitive verb

1. : to cause (a metallic body) to sound especially by striking

the soldier rang each dollar against his bayonet to test the purity of the coin — Nora Waln

specifically : to sound (a church bell) with a full swing from a mouth-up position — compare chime , clock

2. : to make (a sound) by or as if by ringing a bell

the shard-borne beetle, with his drowsy hums, hath rung night's yawning peal — Shakespeare

3. : to announce or proclaim by or as if by ringing : usher in or out by ringing a bell

ring an alarm

ring in the new year, ring out the old

4. : to repeat often, loudly, or earnestly

ring denunciations

ring the praises of a compatriot


a. : to summon especially by bell

b. chiefly Britain : telephone — usually used with up

6. : to cause (a machine or device) to register : ring up

ring a cash register

ring a time clock

ring a sale

- ring a bell

- ring down the curtain

- ring the bell

- ring the changes

- ring up the curtain

IV. noun

( -s )

1. : a set of church bells ; especially : one tuned in scale for change ringing

2. : a clear resonant sound made by or resembling that made by vibrating metals

the ring of a bell

the ring of hammer upon anvil — Elizabeth Goudge

each ring of the telephone filled me with dread — Ralph Ellison

the ring of laughter

3. : resonant tone (as in response to plucking or striking) : sonority

the ring of a glass goblet

the ring of a porcelain dish

the ring of a coin

a voice of ring and warmth — Irving Kolodin

4. : a loud sound : a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated

hear the ring in your ears of wind from the solitude of mountain heights — Alicita & Warren Hamilton

5. : a sound or character (as of speech or writing) expressive of some particular quality

a ring of ardent sincerity in his voice — G.G.Carter

strange circumlocutions that … still have the ring of natural speech — Arthur Knight

such generalizations have the ring of plausibility — Alexander Gerschenkron

scheme has a fantastic ring about it — O.S.Nock


a. : the act or an instance of sounding a bell or similar device

b. : the act or an instance of summoning (as by a bell or buzzer)

c. : a telephone call — often used with give



variant of reign

VI. intransitive verb

- ring off the hook

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.