I. ˈrōp noun
( -s )
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rāp; akin to Old High German reif hoop, Old Norse reip rope, Gothic skauda raip sandal strap
(1) : a large stout cord made of strands of natural or artificial fibers (as hemp, Manila hemp, sisal, jute, flax, cotton, or nylon) twisted or braided together especially in a thickness an inch or more in circumference or 1/4 inch to 5 inches in diameter
(2) : a large stout cord made of strands of wire twisted or braided together
(3) : a cord having a wire core with fiber strands braided around it
(4) : a large stout cord made of nonfibrous artificial material (as glass or a plastic)
b. : a braided or unbraided long slender strip of material used as rope
rawhide rope
c. : a piece of rope cut to a suitable length for a particular function: as
(1) : a cord for hanging a person : a hangman's noose
(2) : any of various lines aboard or connected to a ship
wheel rope
— see ship illustration
(3) obsolete : tightrope
(4) : lasso
(5) : one of the usually three cords stretched one above the other at intervals of about 18 inches that mark off a boxing or wrestling ring
2. : a unit of length : rood
3. : a line aboard a ship before it is used
a rope stored in a coil
a. : a row or string consisting of a number of things united (as by braiding, twining, or threading)
a rope of pearls
a rope of onions
b. : two or more mountain climbers fastened at intervals to a single rope for security
5. : slimy strands in food substances (as milk, flour, or bread) caused by contamination with bacteria or fungi — compare ropiness , ropy bread
6. : a device usually consisting of long streamers of aluminum foil dropped from an airplane to confuse enemy radar equipment
(1) : something that binds, confines, or holds in check
(2) : a condition, event, or action that helps a person in a disadvantageous state
redeemed me … from the ropes of sin — Maurice Samuel
b. : something twisted and braided like a rope
the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side — James Joyce
c. : something long, elongated, and strung out
far ahead in the dark I saw the monumental bridge, ropes of light across the dark river — Ralph Ellison
d. : sequence — used in panguingue and other card games of the rummy family
8. : freedom of action especially when likely to cause harm
enough rope to hang himself
allowing himself sufficient rope to wander beyond the city — Isolde Farrell
9. ropes plural : the special techniques or procedures involved : ins and outs
postponed everything … with the excuse that he was learning the ropes — T.R.Ybarra
- on the ropes
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
transitive verb
a. : to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord
I'll rope myself here so that I won't be swept overboard — Richard Sale
b. : to partition, separate, or divide by means of a rope so as to include or exclude
roped away from the entrance among a herd of other waiting people — J.B.Benefield
to rope off the street near the fire
c. : to capture by means of a rope : lasso
rope cattle
rope a steer
rope out a mustang
d. : to connect or fasten together (a party of mountain climbers) with a rope — usually used with up
2. of a sail : to sew a boltrope on the edge of
3. : to draw as if with a rope:
a. : to inveigle into joining an undertaking or organization
the conspirators roped into their scheme a whole network of the magnates — Hilaire Belloc
b. slang : to take in : swindle
an old confidence man wrote with nostalgia of fat marks he had roped and taken for their bankrolls — R.B.Gehman
— often used with in
c. slang : to attract by the use of sexual charms especially into an engagement — often used with in
intransitive verb
1. : to take the form of or twist in the manner of rope : to extend in a filament or thread (as by means of a glutinous or adhesive quality)
the saliva roping from his jowls — Ralph Ellison
2. : to connect or fasten together a party of mountain climbers with a rope
today soft snow lay on ice … so we roped up — W.H.Murray
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English rop, from Old English ropp, hrop; akin to Middle Dutch rop animal entrails
dialect Britain : entrail , intestine