ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective
1. : being a cock or valve that will connect a pipe or channel with either of two others at will
a. : moving or allowing movement in opposite directions at the same time
two-way traffic
a two-way street
b. : moving or allowing movement in either of two directions
two-way adjustment
a. : involving or allowing an exchange between two individuals or groups
two-way communication by radiotelephone
a two-way scholarship program for United States and foreign universities
two-way trade
specifically : of or being equipment designed for both sending and receiving messages by wire or radio
a mobile two-way radio for his taxi
b. : involving mutual responsibility or reciprocal relationships : affecting, entered into by, or binding on both parties
a two-way guarantee
political alliance is a two-way thing — T.H.White b. 1915
4. : involving two participants : two-sided
lost to his opponent in the two-way race for the governorship
a. : that may be used in either of two manners
a shirt with a two-way collar
two-way cattle fat enough to sell to either slaughterers or feeders
b. of a bid in contract bridge : made sometimes on a strong and sometimes on a weak hand for the purpose of withholding information from the opponents
a two-way three-bid
a two-way no-trump bid