I. ˈtü adjective
Etymology: Middle English twa, two, adjective & pron., from Old English twā (feminine & neuter); akin to Old English twēgen two (masculine), tū (neuter), Old High German zwēne (masculine), zwā, zwō (feminine), zwei (neuter), Old Norse tveir (masculine) tvær (feminine), tvau (neuter), Gothic twai (masculine), twos (feminine), twa (neuter), Latin duo, Greek dyo, Sanskrit dva
: being one more than one in number
two years
— see number table
II. pronoun, plural in construction
Etymology: Middle English twa, two
1. : two countable persons or things not specified but under consideration and being enumerated
two are here
two were found
2. : a small approximate number of indicated things : so — used with a unitary noun and or
fire a shot or two
come in a minute or two
III. noun
( -s )
1. : twice one
a. : two units or objects
a total of two
b. : a group or set of two
arranged by twos
a. : the numerable quantity symbolized by the arabic numeral 2
b. : the figure 2
4. : two o'clock — compare bell table, time illustration
5. : the second in a set or series: as
a. : a playing card marked to show that it is second in a suit
b. : a domino with two spots on one of its halves
c. : a die with two spots on the side uppermost
d. : an article of clothing of the second size
wears a two
6. : a two-dollar bill
7. : something having as an essential feature two units or members ; specifically : an opening bid in contract bridge of two in a suit when treated as a forcing bid and essential to a system of bidding — used chiefly in the phrases forcing two and two demand
two -demand system
- in two
- in two twos