I. -nt adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin violentus; akin to Latin violare to violate — more at violate
1. : characterized by extreme force
a violent storm
: marked by abnormally sudden physical activity and intensity
a violent attack
2. : furious or vehement to the point of being improper, unjust, or illegal
lay violent hands on an individual
a violent denunciation
3. : extremely or intensely vivid or loud
violent colors
violent noise
: unusually intense
violent pain
: unnaturally strong
violent passion
4. : produced or effected by force : unnatural
a violent death
come to a violent end
5. : tending to distort or misrepresent
a violent interpretation
6. : extremely excited : emotionally aroused
become violent after an insult
• vi·o·lent·ly adverb
II. intransitive verb
obsolete : to be violent or act violently
transitive verb
obsolete : to constrain by or as if by violence