batch 1
/bach/ , n.
1. a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together: a batch of prisoners.
2. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation: mixing a batch of concrete.
3. the quantity of bread, cookies, dough, or the like, made at one baking.
4. Computers.
a. a group of jobs, data, or programs treated as a unit for computer processing.
b. See batch processing .
5. Glassmaking.
a. a quantity of raw materials mixed in proper proportions and prepared for fusion into glass.
b. the material so mixed.
6. to combine, mix, or process in a batch.
[ 1400-50; late ME bache, akin to bacan to BAKE; cf. OE gebaec, G Gebäck batch ]
Syn. 1. group, lot, number, bunch, gang, set, pack, flock, troop.
batch 2
/bach/ , v.i. , n.
[ tch to clarify and normalize pron. ]