— cloisterless , adj. — cloisterlike , adj.
/kloy"steuhr/ , n.
1. a covered walk, esp. in a religious institution, having an open arcade or colonnade usually opening onto a courtyard.
2. a courtyard, esp. in a religious institution, bordered with such walks.
3. a place of religious seclusion, as a monastery or convent.
4. any quiet, secluded place.
5. life in a monastery or convent.
6. to confine in a monastery or convent.
7. to confine in retirement; seclude.
8. to furnish with a cloister or covered walk.
9. to convert into a monastery or convent.
[ 1250-1300; ME cloistre cloison partition (see CLOISONNÉ) and clostre ( claustrum barrier (LL: enclosed place); see CLAUSTRUM) ]
Syn. 3. abbey, priory.