crock 1
/krok/ , n.
1. an earthenware pot, jar, or other container.
2. a fragment of earthenware; potsherd.
[ bef. 1000; ME crokke, OE croc ( c ), crocca pot; c. ON krukka jug ]
crock 2
/krok/ , n.
1. a person or thing that is old, decrepit, or broken-down.
2. Slang. a person who complains about or insists on being treated for an imagined illness.
3. an old ewe.
4. an old worn-out horse.
5. Brit. Slang. to disable or injure.
[ 1300-50; ME crok old ewe, perh. akin to CRACK (v.) and obs. crack whore; cf. LG krakke broken-down horse ]
crock 3
/krok/ , n.
1. Brit. Dial. soot; smut.
2. excess surface dye from imperfectly dyed cloth.
3. Brit. Dial. to soil with soot.
4. (of cloth) to give off excess surface dye when rubbed.
[ 1650-60; orig. uncert. ]
crock 4
/krok/ , n. Slang.
a lie; exaggeration; nonsense: The entire story is just a crock.
[ orig. unclear, though often taken as a euphemism for a crock of shit ]