— dissolvability, dissolvableness , n. — dissolvable , adj. — dissolver , n. — dissolvingly , adv.
/di zolv"/ , v. dissolved, dissolving , n.
1. to make a solution of, as by mixing with a liquid; pass into solution: to dissolve salt in water.
2. to melt; liquefy: to dissolve sugar into syrup.
3. to undo (a tie or bond); break up (a connection, union, etc.).
4. to break up (an assembly or organization); dismiss; disperse.
5. Govt. to order the termination of (a parliament or other legislative body).
6. to bring to an end; terminate; destroy: to dissolve one's hopes.
7. to separate into parts or elements; disintegrate.
8. to destroy the binding power or influence of: to dissolve a spell.
9. Law. to deprive of force; abrogate; annul: to dissolve a marriage.
10. to become dissolved, as in a solvent.
11. to become melted or liquefied.
12. to disintegrate, break up, or disperse.
13. to lose force, intensity, or strength.
14. to disappear gradually; fade away.
15. to break down emotionally; lose one's composure: The poor child dissolved in tears.
16. Motion Pictures , Television. to fade out one shot or scene while simultaneously fading in the next, overlapping the two during the process.
17. Also called lap dissolve, cross-dissolve . Motion Pictures, Television. a transition from one scene to the next made by dissolving.
[ 1350-1400; ME dissolvere, equiv. to dis- DIS- 1 + solvere to SOLVE ]
Syn. 1. See melt. 3. sever, loosen. 5. adjourn.