Meaning of EMPLOY in English

/em ploy"/ , v.t.

1. to hire or engage the services of (a person or persons); provide employment for; have or keep in one's service: This factory employs thousands of people.

2. to keep busy or at work; engage the attentions of: He employs himself by reading after work.

3. to make use of (an instrument, means, etc.); use; apply: to employ a hammer to drive a nail.

4. to occupy or devote (time, energies, etc.): I employ my spare time in reading. I employ all my energies in writing.


5. employment; service: to be in someone's employ.

[ 1425-75; late ME employen emploier implicare to enfold (LL: to engage); see IMPLICATE ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .