n. /es"kawrt/ ; v. /i skawrt"/ , n.
1. a group of persons, or a single person, accompanying another or others for protection, guidance, or courtesy: An escort of sailors accompanied the queen.
2. an armed guard, as a body of soldiers or ships: The president traveled with a large escort of motorcycle police.
3. a man or boy who accompanies a woman or girl in public, as to a social event.
4. protection, safeguard, or guidance on a journey: to travel without escort.
5. to attend or accompany as an escort.
[ 1570-80; scorta, deriv. of scorgere to conduct excorrigere. See EX- 1 , CORRECT ]
Syn. 4. convoy. 5. conduct, usher, squire, chaperon, take, guide. See accompany .