Meaning of EXPLODE in English

— exploder , n.

/ik splohd"/ , v. , exploded, exploding .


1. to expand with force and noise because of rapid chemical change or decomposition, as gunpowder or nitroglycerine (opposed to implode ).

2. to burst, fly into pieces, or break up violently with a loud report, as a boiler from excessive pressure of steam.

3. to burst forth violently or emotionally, esp. with noise, laughter, violent speech, etc.: He exploded with rage when contradicted.

4. Phonet. (of plosives) to terminate the occlusive phase with a plosion. Cf. implode (def. 2).

5. Golf. to play an explosion shot on a golf ball.


6. to cause (gunpowder, a boiler, etc.) to explode.

7. to cause to be rejected; destroy the repute of; discredit or disprove: to explode a theory.

8. Phonet. to end with plosion.

9. Golf. to play an explosion shot on (a golf ball).

10. Obs. to drive (a player, play, etc.) from the stage by loud expressions of disapprobation.

[ 1530-40; explodere to drive off by clapping, drive away, equiv. to ex- EX- 1 + plod- var. s. of plaudere to clap, beat ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .