Meaning of EXTENT in English

/ik stent"/ , n.

1. the space or degree to which a thing extends; length, area, volume, or scope: the extent of his lands; to be right to a certain extent.

2. something extended, as a space; a particular length, area, or volume; something having extension: the limitless extent of the skies.

3. U.S. Law. a writ, or a levy, by which a debtor's lands are valued and transferred to the creditor, absolutely or for a term of years.

4. Eng. Law.

a. Also called writ of extent . a writ to recover debts of a record due to the crown, under which land, property, etc., may be seized.

b. a seizure made under such a writ.

5. Logic. extension (def. 12).

6. Archaic. assessment or valuation, as of land.

[ 1250-1300; ME extente assessment extenta, n. use of fem. of L extentus, ptp. of extendere to EXTEND ]

Syn. 1. magnitude, measure, amount, compass, range, expanse, stretch, reach, length.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .