guy 1
/guy/ , n. , v. , guyed, guying .
1. Informal. a man or boy; fellow: He's a nice guy.
2. Usually, guys . Informal. persons of either sex; people: Could one of you guys help me with this?
3. Chiefly Brit. Slang. a grotesquely dressed person.
4. ( often cap. ) Brit. a grotesque effigy of Guy Fawkes that is paraded through the streets and burned on Guy Fawkes Day.
5. give the guy to , Brit. Slang. to escape from (someone); give (someone) the slip.
6. to jeer at or make fun of; ridicule.
[ 1800-10; after Guy Fawkes ]
guy 2
/guy/ , n. , v. , guyed, guying .
1. a rope, cable, or appliance used to guide and steady an object being hoisted or lowered, or to secure anything likely to shift its position.
2. to guide, steady, or secure with a guy or guys.
[ 1300-50; ME gye guie a guide, deriv. of guier to GUIDE ]