/in'deuh vij"ooh euhl/ , n.
1. a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
2. a person: a strange individual.
3. a distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.
4. a group considered as a unit.
5. Biol.
a. a single organism capable of independent existence.
b. a member of a compound organism or colony.
6. Cards. a duplicate-bridge tournament in which each player plays the same number of hands in partnership with every other player, individual scores for each player being kept for each hand.
7. single; particular; separate: to number individual copies of a limited edition.
8. intended for the use of one person only: to serve individual portions of a pizza.
9. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a particular person or thing: individual tastes.
10. distinguished by special, singular, or markedly personal characteristics; exhibiting unique or unusual qualities: a highly individual style of painting.
11. existing as a distinct, indivisible entity, or considered as such; discrete: individual parts of a tea set.
12. of which each is different or of a different design from the others: a set of individual coffee cups.
[ 1375-1425; late ME individualis, equiv. to L individu ( us ) indivisible ( in- IN- 3 + divid ( ere ) to DIVIDE + -uus deverbal adj. suffix) + -alis -AL 1 ]
Syn. 2. See person .
Usage. 1, 2. As a synonym for person, INDIVIDUAL is standard, occurring in all varieties of speech and writing: Three individuals entered the room, each carrying a sheaf of papers. Some object to this use, insisting that INDIVIDUAL can mean only "a single human being, as distinguished from a group": An individual may have concerns that are ignored by his or her party.