— internationality , n. — internationally , adv.
/in'teuhr nash"euh nl/ , adj.
1. between or among nations; involving two or more nations: international trade.
2. of or pertaining to two or more nations or their citizens: a matter of international concern.
3. pertaining to the relations between nations: international law.
4. having members or activities in several nations: an international organization.
5. transcending national boundaries or viewpoints: an international benefit; an international reputation.
6. ( cap. ) any of several international socialist or communist organizations formed in the 19th and 20th centuries. Cf. First International, Second International, Third International, Fourth International, Labor and Socialist International .
7. ( sometimes cap. ) a labor union having locals in two or more countries.
8. an organization, enterprise, or group, esp. a major business concern, having branches, dealings, or members in several countries.
9. an employee, esp. an executive, assigned to work in a foreign country or countries by a business or organization that has branches or dealings in several countries.
[ 1770-80; INTER- + NATIONAL ]
Syn. 5. worldwide, cosmopolitan.