/noyz/ , n. , v. , noised, noising .
1. sound, esp. of a loud, harsh, or confused kind: deafening noises.
2. a sound of any kind: to hear a noise at the door.
3. loud shouting, outcry, or clamor.
4. a nonharmonious or discordant group of sounds.
5. an electric disturbance in a communications system that interferes with or prevents reception of a signal or of information, as the buzz on a telephone or snow on a television screen.
6. Informal. extraneous, irrelevant, or meaningless facts, information, statistics, etc.: The noise in the report obscured its useful information.
7. Obs. rumor or gossip, esp. slander.
8. make noises , Informal. to speak vaguely; hint: He is making noises to the press about running for public office.
9. to spread, as a report or rumor; disseminate (usually fol. by about or abroad ): A new scandal is being noised about.
10. to talk much or publicly.
11. to make a noise, outcry, or clamor.
[ 1175-1225; ME nausea seasickness. See NAUSEA ]
Syn. 1. clatter, blare, uproar, tumult. NOISE, CLAMOR, DIN, HUBBUB, RACKET refer to unmusical or confused sounds. NOISE is the general word and is applied equally to soft or loud, confused or inharmonious sounds: street noises.
CLAMOR and HUBBUB are alike in referring to loud noises resulting from shouting, cries, animated or excited tones, and the like; but in CLAMOR the emphasis is on the meaning of the shouting, and in HUBBUB the emphasis is on the confused mingling of sounds: the clamor of an angry crowd; His voice could be heard above the hubbub. DIN suggests a loud, resonant noise, painful if long continued: the din of a boiler works. RACKET suggests a loud, confused noise of the kind produced by clatter or percussion: He always makes a racket when he cleans up the dishes. 2. See sound 1 .