v. /oh'veuhr look"/ ; n. /oh"veuhr look'/ , v.t.
1. to fail to notice, perceive, or consider: to overlook a misspelled word.
2. to disregard or ignore indulgently, as faults or misconduct: Only a parent could overlook that kind of behavior.
3. to look over, as from a higher position: a balcony that overlooks the ballroom.
4. to afford a view over; look down or out upon: a hill overlooking the sea.
5. to rise above: The Washington Monument overlooks the tidal basin.
6. to excuse; pardon: a minor infraction we can overlook this time.
7. to look over in inspection, examination, or perusal: They allowed us to overlook the proposed contract.
8. to look after, oversee, or supervise: She has to overlook a large number of employees.
9. Archaic. to look upon with the evil eye; bewitch.
10. terrain, as on a cliff, that affords an attractive vista or a good view: Miles of landscape could be seen from the overlook.
[ 1325-75; ME; see OVER-, LOOK ]
Syn. 1. miss. See slight .