/pak"ing/ , n.
1. the act or work of a person or thing that packs.
2. the preparation and packaging of foodstuffs, esp. to be sold at wholesale.
3. the way in which something is packed.
4. an act or instance of transporting supplies, goods, etc., on the backs of horses, mules, or persons.
5. material used to cushion or protect goods packed in a container.
6. material, often in the form of a grease-impregnated fibrous ring, compressed inside a stuffing box or the like to prevent leakage around the moving shaft of an engine, pump, or valve.
7. Print. rubber, paper, or other material fastened to the tympan or cylinder of a press to provide pressure to produce a printed impression.
[ 1350-1400; ME pakking (ger.). See PACK 1 , -ING 1 ]