pink 1
— pinkness , n.
/pingk/ , n., adj., pinker, pinkest .
1. a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple.
2. any of several plants of the genus Dianthus, as the clove pink or carnation. Cf. pink family .
3. the flower of such a plant; carnation.
4. the highest form or degree; prime: a runner in the pink of condition.
5. ( often cap. ) Also, pinko . Slang ( disparaging ). a person with left-wing, but not extreme, political opinions.
6. Business Informal. a carbon copy, as of a sales slip or invoice, made on pink tissue paper.
7. pinks ,
a. Fox Hunting. See pink coat .
b. pinkish-tan gabardine trousers formerly worn by military officers as part of the dress uniform.
8. the scarlet color of hunting pinks.
9. of the color pink: pink marble.
10. Slang ( disparaging ). holding, or regarded as holding, mildly leftist views, esp. in politics.
11. tickled pink . See tickle (def. 8).
[ 1565-75; orig. uncert. ]
pink 2
/pingk/ , v.t.
1. to pierce with a rapier or the like; stab.
2. to finish at the edge with a scalloped, notched, or other ornamental pattern.
3. to punch (cloth, leather, etc.) with small holes or figures for ornament.
4. Chiefly Brit. Dial. to adorn or ornament, esp. with scalloped edges or a punched-out pattern.
[ 1275-1325; ME pynken to prick, deriv. of OE pinca point, itself deriv. of pinn PIN ]
pink 3
/pingk/ , n.
a vessel with a pink stern.
Also, pinky . Cf. pink stern .
[ 1425-75; late ME pinck pinke fishing boat ]