— riveter , n. — rivetless , adj.
/riv"it/ , n. , v. , riveted, riveting or ( esp. Brit. ) rivetted, rivetting .
1. a metal pin for passing through holes in two or more plates or pieces to hold them together, usually made with a head at one end, the other end being hammered into a head after insertion.
2. to fasten with a rivet or rivets.
3. to hammer or spread out the end of (a pin, bolt, etc.) in order to form a head and secure something; clinch.
4. to fasten or fix firmly.
5. to hold (the eye, attention, etc.) firmly.
[ 1350-1400; (n.) ME revette, rivette rivet, deriv. of river to attach; (v.) ME revetten, deriv. of the n. ]