/spahr"keuhl/ , v. , sparkled, sparkling , n.
1. to issue in or as if in little sparks, as fire or light: The candlelight sparkled in the crystal.
2. to emit little sparks, as burning matter: The flames leaped and sparkled.
3. to shine or glisten with little gleams of light, as a brilliant gem; glitter; coruscate.
4. to effervesce, as wine.
5. to be brilliant, lively, or vivacious.
6. to cause to sparkle: moonlight sparkling the water; pleasure sparkling her eyes.
7. a little spark or fiery particle.
8. a sparkling appearance, luster, or play of light: the sparkle of a diamond.
9. brilliance, liveliness, or vivacity.
[ 1150-1200; ME (n. and v.); see SPARK 1 , -LE ]
Syn. 3. See glisten. 8. glitter.