Meaning of STINT in English

stint 1

— stintedly , adv. — stintedness , n. — stinter , n. — stintingly , adv. — stintless , adj.

/stint/ , v.i.

1. to be frugal; get along on a scanty allowance: Don't stint on the food. They stinted for years in order to save money.

2. Archaic. to cease action; desist.


3. to limit to a certain amount, number, share, or allowance, often unduly; set limits to; restrict.

4. Archaic. to bring to an end; check.


5. a period of time spent doing something: a two-year stint in the army.

6. an allotted amount or piece of work: to do one's daily stint.

7. limitation or restriction, esp. as to amount: to give without stint.

8. a limited, prescribed, or expected quantity, share, rate, etc.: to exceed one's stint.

9. Obs. a pause; halt.

[ 1150-1200; (v.) ME stinten, OE styntan to make blunt, dull; (n.) ME, deriv. of the v.; c. ON stytta to shorten; cf. STUNT 1 ]

Syn. 3. confine, restrain. 7. restraint, constraint. 8. allotment, portion.

stint 2

/stint/ , n.

any of various small sandpipers of the genus Calidris, as the least sandpiper.

[ 1425-75; late ME stynte ]

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