stub 1
— stubber , n.
/stub/ , n. , v. , stubbed, stubbing .
1. a short projecting part.
2. a short remaining piece, as of a pencil, candle, or cigar.
3. (in a checkbook, receipt book, etc.) the inner end of each leaf, for keeping a record of the content of the part filled out and torn away.
4. the returned portion of a ticket.
5. the end of a fallen tree, shrub, or plant left fixed in the ground; stump.
6. something having a short, blunt shape, esp. a short-pointed, blunt pen.
7. See stub nail .
8. something having the look of incomplete or stunted growth, as a horn of an animal.
9. Bridge. a part-score.
10. to strike accidentally against a projecting object: I stubbed my toe against the step.
11. to extinguish the burning end of (a cigarette or cigar) by crushing it against a solid object (often fol. by out ): He stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray.
12. to clear of stubs, as land.
13. to dig up by the roots; grub up (roots).
[ bef. 1000; (n.) ME stubb ( e ), OE stubb tree stump; c. MLG, MD stubbe, ON stubbi; akin to ON stufr stump; (v.) late ME stubben to dig up by the roots, clear stumps from (land), deriv. of the n. ]
stub 2
/stub/ , adj.
stocky; squat.
[ 1705-15; special use of STUB 1 ]