/sooh"peuhr/ , n.
1. Informal.
a. a superintendent, esp. of an apartment house.
b. supermarket.
c. supernumerary.
d. supervisor.
2. an article of a superior quality, grade, size, etc.
3. (in beekeeping) the portion of a hive in which honey is stored.
4. Printing. supercalendered paper.
5. Television. an additional image superimposed on the original video image: A super of the guest's name is included under the picture when the guest is introduced.
6. of the highest degree, power, etc.
7. of an extreme or excessive degree.
8. Informal. very good; first-rate; excellent.
9. (of measurement) superficial.
10. superfine.
11. Slang. very; extremely or excessively: super classy; a super large portion of food.
[ 1620-30; 1920-25 for def. 8; independent use of SUPER- (construed as an adj. or adv.), or shortening of words prefixed with it ]