tailor 1
/tay"leuhr/ , n.
1. a person whose occupation is the making, mending, or altering of clothes, esp. suits, coats, and other outer garments.
2. to make by tailor's work.
3. to fashion or adapt to a particular taste, purpose, need, etc.: to tailor one's actions to those of another.
4. to fit or furnish with clothing.
5. Chiefly U.S. Mil. to make (a uniform) to order; cut (a ready-made uniform) so as to cause to fit more snugly; taper.
6. to do the work of a tailor.
[ 1250-1300; ME (n.) tailour, OF tailleor, equiv. to taill ( ier ) to cut ( taliare, deriv. of L talea a cutting, lit., heel-piece; see TALLY) + -or -OR 2 ]
tailor 2
/tay"leuhr/ , n. Brit. Dial.
a stroke of a bell indicating someone's death; knell.
[ alter. by folk etym. of TELLER ]