/veuh ruy"i tee/ , n. , pl. varieties , adj.
1. the state of being varied or diversified: to give variety to a diet.
2. difference; discrepancy.
3. a number of different types of things, esp. ones in the same general category: a large variety of fruits.
4. a kind or sort.
5. a different form, condition, or phase of something: varieties of pastry; a variety of economic reforms.
6. a category within a species, based on some hereditary difference.
7. a type of animal or plant produced by artificial selection.
8. Philately. a stamp differing from others of the same issue through an accident other than an error of an artist or printer. Cf. error (def. 8), freak 1 (def. 5).
9. Also called variety show . entertainment of mixed character, consisting of a number of individual performances or acts, as of singing, dancing, or skits. Cf. vaudeville (def. 1).
10. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a variety: a variety performer.
[ 1525-35; varietas, equiv. to vari ( us ) VARIOUS + -etas, var. of -ITAS -ITY after a vowel ]
Syn. 1. diversity, multiplicity. 3. assortment, collection, group. 5. kind, sort, class, species.
Ant. 1. sameness.
Usage. 3, 5. As a collective noun, VARIETY, when preceded by a, is often treated as a plural: A variety of inexpensive goods are sold here. When preceded by the, it is usually treated as a singular: The variety of products is small. See also collective noun, number .