— voidness , n.
/voyd/ , adj.
1. Law. having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.
2. useless; ineffectual; vain.
3. devoid; destitute (usually fol. by of ): a life void of meaning.
4. without contents; empty.
5. without an incumbent, as an office.
6. Math. (of a set) empty.
7. (in cards) having no cards in a suit.
8. an empty space; emptiness: He disappeared into the void.
9. something experienced as a loss or privation: His death left a great void in her life.
10. a gap or opening, as in a wall.
11. a vacancy; vacuum.
12. Typography. counter 3 (def. 10).
13. (in cards) lack of cards in a suit: a void in clubs.
14. to make ineffectual; invalidate; nullify: to void a check.
15. to empty; discharge; evacuate: to void excrement.
16. to clear or empty (often fol. by of ): to void a chamber of occupants.
17. Archaic. to depart from; vacate.
18. to defecate or urinate.
[ 1250-1300; (adj.) ME voide vocita, fem. of * vocitus, dissimilated var. of L vocivus, itself var. of vac ( i ) vus empty; see VACUUM; (v.) ME voiden voider, OF vocitare, deriv. of * vocitus; (n.) deriv. of the adj. ]
Syn. 3, 4. See empty. 5. vacant, unoccupied. 8. vacuum.