Meaning of LEAD in English


/liyd/ n.

position in front

~ing position

1) to assume, take the ~ in

2) to build up, increase one's ~

3) to hold, maintain the ~

4) to follow smb.'s ~

5) to give up, lose, relinquish the ~

6) a commanding ~

7) a ~ over (she built up a commanding ~ over her closest rivals)

principal role

8) to play the ~

9) the female; male ~


10) to run down, track down a ~


( BE )

11) see leash 1, 2


/liyd/ v.

1) ( D ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ against 'to ~ troops against the enemy)

2) ( D ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ by (to ~ smb. by the hand; to ~ a horse by the bridle)

3) ( d ; intr. ) ('to go') to ~ from; to (the path ~s from the house to the river; all roads ~ to Rome)

4) ( d ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ from; to (she led the group from the bus to the auditorium)

5) ( D ; tr. ) to ~ in (to ~ the students in a cheer)

6) ( d ; intr. ) ('to guide') to ~ into (the prisoners were led into the courtroom)

7) ( d ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ off (he led the team off the field)

8) ( d ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ out of (the fire fighters led them out of the burning building)

9) ( d ; tr. ) ('to guide') to ~ through (to ~ smb. through the fog)

10) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ to ('to result in') (the infection led to gangrene; these evening courses will ~ to an academic degree)

11) ( d ; intr. ) ('to begin') to ~ with (the boxer led with a left jab)

12) ( H ) ('to induce') what led her to resign? I was led to believe that she would accept our offer

13) ( P ; intr. ) ('to go') the road ~s nowhere

14) ( misc. ) to ~ smb. a merry chase ( AE ) = to ~ smb. a merry/pretty dance ( BE )

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