Meaning of MOVE in English




1) to make a ~ (who will make the first ~?)

2) a false ~ (one false ~ would be costly)

3) a brilliant; clever, smart; decisive ~

moving of a piece in chess, checkers

4) to make a ~

5) a brilliant; stupid, wrong ~

6) an opening ~ (also fig .)

act of moving

7) a ~ to (our firm's ~ to the Coast)

8) ( misc. ) ( colloq. ) to get a ~ on ('to go faster'); on the ~



1) ('to stir') to ~ deeply, profoundly

2) ('to change the position of') to ~ bodily

3) ( d ; intr. ) ('to request') to ~ for (to ~ for a new trial)

4) ( D ; intr. , tr. ) ('to change or cause to change one's position, place of residence, place of work') to ~ from; into, to; out of (let's ~ from this table to that one; they ~d from the city to the suburbs; the firm is ~ing to California; let's ~ the chair from/out of this room to that one; he ~d his family from/out of an old house into a new apartment; we are ~ing our main office from/out of the city to a small town)

5) ( D ; tr. ) ('to stir') to ~ to (she was ~d to tears)

6) ( d ; intr. ) ('to change one's position') to ~ towards (to ~ towards the exit)

7) ( H ) ('to induce') what ~d her to make such a gesture?

8) ( L ; subj. ) ('to propose') she ~d that the resolution be/should be approved

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.