1) to have the final ~
opportunity to speak
2) to have one's ~
1)( B ) ('to utter') she said a few words to us
2) ( d ; tr. ) ('to state') to ~ about, of (what did they ~ about our offer?)
3) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ for ('to ~ in justification of') (what can you ~ for yourself?)
4) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ to ('to respond to') (what do you ~ to the charges?)
5) ( colloq. ) ( E ) ('to state') the instructions ~ to take one tablet every morning
6) ( L ; to) ('to state') they said (to us) that they would be late
7) ( Q ) ('to state') she did not ~ when our next meeting would be
8) ( misc. ) to ~ smt. in jest; to ~ smt. under one's breath