Meaning of SELL in English


n. ( colloq. )

method of ~ing

a hard; soft ~



1) to ~ retail; wholesale

2) ( A ) we sold our old car to him; or: we sold him our old car

3) ( d ; intr. , tr. ) to ~ for (it sold for ten pounds; we sold the car to them for three thousand dollars)

4) ( colloq. ) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ on ('to convince of') (to ~ smb. on an idea)

5) ( misc. ) to ~ as is ('to ~ with no guarantee as to quality'); to ~ smt. at a loss; to ~ by the dozen; to ~ in bulk; to ~ like hot cakes ('to be sold very quickly in large quantities'); to ~ smb. down the river ('to betray and ruin smb.')

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