1) to make a ~
2) to put a ~ to (the teacher put a ~ to the cheating)
3) to bring to a ~ (the driver brought the bus to a ~)
4) to come to a ~ (the train came to a ~)
5) an abrupt, sudden; brief; dead; full; smooth ~
6) a flag ( AE ), request ( BE ); regular, scheduled; unscheduled; whistle ( AE ) ('very brief') ~
7) a bus; pit; streetcar ( AE ), tram ( BE ) ~
8) ( misc. ) to miss one's ~
place for resting
9) a truck ~ ( AE ; BE has transport cafe )
punctuation mark
10) a full ~ ( BE ; AE has period )
1) to ~ short
2) ( D ; tr. ) to ~ from (to ~ smb. from doing smt.)
3) ( G ) they ~ped talking
4) ( BE ) ( J ) to ~ smb. doing smt.
5) ( K ) I can't ~ his interrupting
6) ( misc. ) to ~ dead in one's tracks; to ~ at nothing ('to allow no scruples to interfere with one's efforts to achieve an end'); they ~ped (in order) to chat