Meaning of TREATMENT in English




1) to administer, give, provide ~

2) to get, receive, undergo ~

3) to respond to ~

4) inpatient; medical; outpatient; radiation; shock ~

5) ~ for (to undergo ~ for alcoholism)

6) under ~

method of dealing with

7) atrocious, brutal, cruel, harsh, inhumane ~ (brutal ~ of prisoners)

8) equal, equitable; fair; humane; kid-glove, preferential; kind; red-carpet; shabby; special; uneven; unfair ~ (to receive preferential ~)

9) ( colloq. ) the VIP ('special') ~ (they got the VIP ~)

10) the silent ~ (to give smb. the silent ~)

description, study

11) a cursory; definitive; exhaustive, lengthy; superficial ~

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.