61. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Английский основной разговорный словарь) n. 1 = MOUNT(1) n. 1. 2 in senses of MOUNT(1) v. ømounting-block a block of stone placed to help a rider mount a horse. ...
62. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Merriam-Webster English vocab) [mount.ing] n (1563): [3]mount 2.
63. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary) noun Date: circa 1618 : mount III,2
64. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed) n. something that acts as a mount; setting, foundation; raising; pedestal, base; riding; placement; installation, insertion of new hardware (Computers)
65. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed) adj. growing, becoming stronger, gradually strengthening
66. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary) ( n. ) The act of one that mounts.
67. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary) ( p. pr. & vb. n. ) of Mount
68. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Английский словарь Webster) (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mount
69. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Английский словарь Webster) (n.) The act of one that mounts.
70. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Английский словарь Webster) (n.) = Carriage.
71. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Толковый словарь английского языка - Merriam Webster) noun Date: circa 1618 mount III,2
72. MOUNTING(Англо-Русские словари. English-Russian dictionaries./English-Russian Online Dictionary) установка
73. MOUNTING(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary) n. Pronunciation: ' mau ̇ n-ti ŋ Function: noun Date: circa 1618 : 3 MOUNT 2
74. MOUNT(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary) I. verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES attempt/mount a rescue (= try to rescue someone ) ▪ The stormy conditions made it impossible to mount a rescue. growing/mounting concern ...
75. MOUNT(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Webster's New International English Dictionary) I. ˈmau̇nt noun ( -s ) Etymology: Middle English munt, mont, mount, partly from Old English munt, from Latin mont-, mons; partly from Old French mont, from Latin mont-, mons; akin to Old Norse ...
76. PRESSURE(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary) I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a pressure gauge ▪ He checked the pressure gauge on the oxygen cylinder. a pressure group (= one that tries to make the government do something ...
77. INCREASE(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman Activator English vocab) INDEX: numbers or amounts increase 1. to increase 2. when numbers or amounts are increasing 3. to increase a lot 4. to increase quickly or suddenly 5. to increase by gradually ...
78. GROW(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary) verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a child grows up ▪ One in four children is growing up in poverty. a company grows/expands ▪ The company has expanded year on year. ...
79. CRITICISM(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary) noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a storm of criticism ▪ A storm of criticism forced the government to withdraw the proposal. constructive criticism ▪ We welcome ...
80. TENSION(Английские словари. English dictionaries./Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary) noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES anger/confidence/tension/hope etc drains away ▪ Sally felt her anger drain away. defuse tension/anger etc ▪ The agreement was regarded ...