I. noun
a pressure gauge
He checked the pressure gauge on the oxygen cylinder.
a pressure group (= one that tries to make the government do something )
Friends of the Earth is Britain’s leading environmental pressure group.
bear the strain/pressure
Mark couldn’t bear the pressure of the job any longer.
blood pressure (= the force with which blood moves through your body )
High blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack.
blood pressure
high blood pressure
bow to public pressure
Congress may bow to public pressure and lift the arms embargo.
buckle under the pressure/strain/weight
A weaker person would have buckled under the weight of criticism.
check/take sb’s blood pressure (= measure it )
The nurse will take your blood pressure.
diplomatic pressure
Riots followed and there was diplomatic pressure on the government to assert its authority.
ease the pressure/burden
This should ease the burden on busy teachers.
exert pressure
Did Democratic leaders exert pressure on their colleagues to vote for the new law?
gentle pressure
the gentle pressure of Jill’s hand
intense pressure
The Prime Minister is under intense pressure to call a general election.
intolerable burden/strain/pressure
Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden.
mounting pressure
There was mounting pressure on him to resign.
peer pressure
Teenagers often start smoking because of peer pressure.
pressure cooker
the pressure cooker of soccer management
pressure group
environmental pressure groups
pressure point
a pressure point for racial tension
pressure washer
relieve pressure
Doctors should have inserted a needle into the lungs to relieve the pressure.
resist pressure
The Chancellor resisted pressure to increase taxes.
Succumbing to pressure
Succumbing to pressure from the chemical industry, Governor Blakely amended the regulations.
the air pressure
The air pressure had dropped.
the tyre pressure (= the force of the air in a tyre )
Have you checked the tyre pressure?
She’s been under a lot of pressure at work.
undue pressure/stress/strain etc
Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue strain.
yield to...pressure
Further action may be necessary if the leaders do not yield to diplomatic pressure .
During the 1980s building societies found themselves under increasing competitive pressure .
We live in a global marketplace, which puts enormous competitive pressure on our economic institutions.
The competitive pressures we saw in 1992 as a result of the continuing over capacity in our industry will remain.
After years of expansion, it is coming under competitive pressure to reduce costs.
However, many regional brewers are now coming under increasing competitive pressure .
Low inflation, competitive pressure and a continued focus on fiscal austerity depress projected raises, Hewitt says.
I have discussed international competition, but of course there are also competitive pressures within the national economy.
For the first time in 1993, the RBOCs confronted increasing competitive pressures in certain local services they had monopolized for decades.
The fresh disclosures will increase the already considerable pressure on the university to halt the sale plan.
Once his political affiliation was declared as Republican, Powell came under considerable pressure to run against Bill Clinton in 1996.
The consequence of all this is that there are considerable social pressures towards increased educational provision.
Some may experience considerable pressure to meet technical or scientific goals within a short time or within a tight budget.
Through the forum of the Zemsky sobor and through joint petitions they were able to exert considerable pressure upon state policy.
Just-in-time learning puts considerable pressure on organizations to figure out what training to provide when, and where.
This should be set so that it only comes out under considerable pressure .
There is considerable pressure to use these waters for recreation, and they receive much disturbance.
Considerably greater downward pressure is required than for planing wood.
Supply tightness is likely to be alleviated as the year progresses, putting downward pressure on prices.
It could lead to a downward pressure on prices in some industries.
This downward pressure may be increased by underwriters or accepting shareholders selling offeror shares in the market following the takeover.
Super slow-motion replays appeared to show O'Driscoll did not apply downward pressure on the ball.
Both exerted downward pressure on the sterling exchange rate.
If this is not accommodated by capital inflows there will be downward pressure on income levels and subsequently increased unemployment.
In both cases, management appears to have wrongly identified the primary cause of downward pressure on revenue and profit.
Battery cages, like sow stalls, came from economic pressures in the days when cheapness was all.
The economic pressure they could exert on the regimes that resist the masses' demand for democracy is enormous!
Under President Reagan a further weapon seems to have been added to the arsenal of economic pressure .
In addition, the United States is organizing a drive to heighten diplomatic and economic pressure .
The distinction between threat and imposition of economic pressure is important since the threat can sometimes be sufficient to secure compliance.
Personal economic pressures also are driving the sexes on to different political turf.
She knew that she could put economic pressure on her neighbours to build up a bloc of states aligned to herself.
These economic pressures were seconded by the intrusion of the state.
This puts enormous pressures on staff, who don't always have enough time to do the stock checking.
Parallel to the enormous pressure toward slimness runs the advertising of powerful interests who want to sell food.
All the universities today are under enormous pressure financially.
We live in a global marketplace, which puts enormous competitive pressure on our economic institutions.
There is an enormous amount of pressure on me.
For some time now, the smokers of the world have been submitted to enormous pressure regarding their habit.
Pupils and staff were under enormous pressure .
This new and expanded role for employees will exert enormous pressures on employees and companies alike to invest in education and retraining.
The securities industry also demonstrates particularly well the dangers of going international as a result of external pressure rather than internally-perceived opportunities.
There were many new external pressures to be considered.
As an external pressure , if only one to which it might be politic to submit, it certainly is different.
Secondly, each system is able to respond to internal and external pressures , and indeed must do so.
It is small wonder that he sought quiet and freedom from external pressure to follow his inner vision.
What weight is to be attached to environmental and other external pressures in understanding how its members live together?
Linked to the increase in external pressures is the increase in the young person's own natural questioning of authority.
Boiling occurs when the vapour pressure of the liquid equals the external pressure.
Increasing financial pressures also require personal injury practices to refine their economic assumptions.
The problem worsens with the relentless financial pressures for immediate performance in the short run.
The state should plan the growth of the economy and not be constrained by artificial financial pressures .
The financial pressure will simply find another way in which to express itself.
PacTel said competition, not the spin-off, has caused financial pressures .
We will increase the time they have for each patient by reversing the financial pressures to take on too many patients.
The survey suggests that all of this competitive fervor is taking a toll, and that financial pressures are paramount.
In the great pressure for profits, the large stores are using their muscle to get their share of the market.
We decided to praise a couple who did their job under great pressure .
Many fishermen have done well in recent years but they now face great pressure on the fish stocks.
Capital availability is scarce and may give rise Co greater pressures to demonstrate results from investments in ReD.
Inflatables do not need great pressure to keep them hard enough for the sea.
Introductions to taped pieces and live shots have to set up the material properly and are usually written under great pressure .
Hoffman was under great pressure to work fast and took measurements over two full days.
The greater the economic impact of the single currency, the greater the pressure for and chance of further harmonization.
Outside, there was arm-twisting and heavy pressure as the Tory whips rounded on potential rebels.
Grant arrived on the battlefield to find the Federals under heavy pressure all along their front.
However, she is under heavy pressure to accept cuts of £2 billion.
Managed-care companies that had kept prices low to attract new customers are under heavy pressure to increase earnings.
I say again what I said before business questions, namely, that there is heavy pressure on the next two debates.
San Diego collected four sacks and put heavy pressure on Hostetler throughout the game.
In the event, under heavy Foreign Office pressure which she secretly resented, Mrs Thatcher gave way completely.
The heavy pressure of the pen made each line appear engraved.
At the top end of the thrust chamber the gas is not moving very fast, but exerting a high pressure .
Salt can induce high blood pressure in some people.
Patients with complete lesions are also unable to generate such high abdominal pressures .
Carolyn Melton of Van Nuys received her first warning seven years ago: Lower the high blood pressure .
The higher the pressure , the more gas dissolves in your body fluids.
The higher the notes, the higher the blood pressure .
Liquids can only be compressed a very small amount and then only under high pressures .
Lock lid in place and cook at high pressure for 16 minutes.
Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures .
A national economy that is expanding without creating inflationary pressures that would force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates.
Many are dependent on remittances from migrant relatives. Inflationary pressures on the standard of living are now substantial.
Moderating economic expansion in recent months has reduced potential inflationary pressures going forward.
So they tended to have chronic balance of payments surpluses, which stoked up inflationary pressure by maintaining high demand for goods.
Tietmeyer said continued reduction in the public deficit is another plank of reducing long-term inflationary pressures .
The labour market is still tight; other inflationary pressures have yet to abate.
They believe that the reduced spending from the government will reduce inflationary pressures .
Reading cracked under intense pressure again after 69 minutes.
That remained the plan until the intense pressures surrounding this incident arose in May.
But not even Barnes could break down a Springbok side able to absorb the most intense pressure and punish every error.
The girl was put under intense pressure from prosecutors to carry forward her accusation.
Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had stumbled on another way - intense pressures provided by the natural make-up of solid palladium.
He kept Philip's intense pressure at bay.
Rovers began to tire under intense pressure from the St Helens pack.
The former All Black prop is under intense pressure to produce a win.
They need our help now more than ever before to exert massive international pressure on the governments, institutions and companies involved.
There will be no more investigations, and no more international pressure on Gadhafi.
It rested, inpart, on an ability to neutralize international pressures .
Thus the region again owed its destiny to international pressures , as it had for centuries.
Perhaps international pressure can stop this environmental disaster.
When legislative elections were held in 1990 under domestic and international pressure , the opposition party won 392 of 485 contested seats.
The other two could face their accusers, however, if the political will is there and international pressure is applied.
Many today would argue that international pressures to regulate less and tax less are good pressures, not bad pressures.
They mistreat those in a lower rank, pressure us unnecessarily hinting that they will sue us or call on our superiors.
Remove from heat and lower pressure using the cold-water-release method.
The left-hand graph shows that at low pressure the volume of a fixed amount of gas is high.
The symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include high fever, a rash, vomiting and low blood pressure .
The distribution system is a low pressure hot water one operating by gravity.
The disturbances were caused by an upper level low pressure that moved over the northern part of the state Monday.
The decision to use this low pressure was partly based on engineering constraints.
If the solute has a lower pressure than the solvent, then the vapour pressure is reduced.
Under political pressure , and inpart because the banks are in any case controlled by their customers, the banks usually comply.
But they said the organized process of the advisory council w ill create political pressure for the supervisors to heed the recommendations.
Its final ending, brought about by external political pressure , is marked by Shklovsky's recantation published in January 1930.
Only press exposure and political pressure saved her from a court-martial; she has instead been less-than-honorably discharged.
Are you going to use your local agents or staff, a debt collector, a solicitor, political pressure or what?
Here we bring together a set of problems that may frustrate stabilization policy: lags, rational expectations, and political pressures .
There has been no political pressure from the Foreign Office or elsewhere to prevent the exhibition.
And yet the need is still there for the continued political and social pressure that affirmative-action programs represent.
Mar Lodge has proved that even the most intransigent of ministers will begin to bend to public pressure .
The group announced an advertising campaign to bring public pressure on lawmakers to sign the pledge.
Often, only government action or intense public pressure makes big business change behaviour.
For more than two years, the authorities hunted for the kidnapper. Public pressure demanded the case be solved.
He said they were reacting to public pressure , and that the majority of people did not support Sunday opening.
Forest Service officials are aware that public pressure may push them to artificially restore the forest, she said.
New Aspiration, a prospective coalition partner, was already under public pressure against the inclusion of tainted politicians in the line-up.
He faces mounting public pressure to resign.
Personal uncertainty will combine with social pressure to encourage experiment.
The social pressure has led to calls from several leading lawmakers and executives to postpone the introduction of the euro.
The consequence of all this is that there are considerable social pressures towards increased educational provision.
And yet the need is still there for the continued political and social pressure that affirmative-action programs represent.
In addition, the organized networks could to a certain extent rely on intimidation and social pressure .
The suffocation of social pressure , the idea of self-worth as defined by men, it all rings true.
And always the social pressure to keep up to date and with the scene.
There are few social or cultural pressures on her to conceive.
Once such norms have been developed, there are strong pressures on people to conform to them.
Mr Benquis faces strong political pressure to successfully wrap up both the investigation and any subsequent legal proceedings.
Others argue that disinflationary forces are currently so strong that such pressures pose no threat.
That creates strong pressure to emulate the best and so will lead to improved quality and efficiency.
There was nevertheless strong pressure for hanging on.
The markets have correctly judged where the strongest political pressures lie.
Using strong down pressure , plane until the desired bevel has been obtained.
Much stronger pressures and probably more decisive action was necessary in these circumstances.
He brought undue pressure to bear on his parents by giving them an entirely misleading account of the documents.
Will this be another undue pressure put on the assessment procedures?
Your lists of goals should not put undue pressure on you; you should not feel stressed.
They were not to put undue pressure on the peasants themselves, but only on their fellow subordinate collectors.
First, she contended that her husband put her under undue pressure to sign and that she finally succumbed to the pressure.
The judge's findings of fact on the undue pressure issue are, I think, less clear cut.
Lifting very heavy weights can also raise your blood pressure considerably for a short time.
Ratios could serve to guide the selection of age-specific blood pressure cutoff levels for treatment.
He's supposed to have high blood pressure and shouldn't get too excited.
In just two weeks their blood pressure came down a little.
The two groups were strictly similar for all variables, especially for initial blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion.
The higher the notes, the higher the blood pressure .
What is the cost of an ulcer, high blood pressure and other ailments endemic in banking?
For, like Max, he'd been over-anxious about his health: arthritis had plagued him, and high blood pressure .
Good stainless steel pressure cookers cost around £40.
Fearless until now, I suddenly remembered the reason why pressure cookers had fallen out of favor.
Place the required amount of water and the beans or peas in the pressure cooker .
Most experts agree that if you can afford it, you should buy one of the new generation of pressure cookers .
Normally, most beans take about 45 minutes to cook, so allow 15 minutes in the pressure cooker .
But the best, most magical moment was when I made risotto with the pressure cooker .
Prestige's stainless steel pressure cooker with a Thermocore base allows you to produce delicious, complete meals in minutes.
As such, it is intended to draw wider lessons about the workings of pressure groups in modern Britain.
Or pressure groups like the Baby Milk Action Group which, among other things, campaigns against women being pressurised into bottle-feeding.
It happens like this: a pressure group asserts that promotion of product X causes health hazards and demands a marketing code.
Obviously, the government won't do anything, so we needed to create a pressure group .
There is also the associated and delicate issue of contact between internal reformers and reforming pressure groups .
The position is further complicated by the fact that pressure groups can be closely or even officially associated with parties.
Consumer pressure groups are calling for legislation to force manufacturers to fit plugs on goods before they leave the factory.
He is anxious that all demands for screening from pressure groups - of doctors or patients - should be weighed carefully.
Any lack of required work effort by an individual will affect the immediate group bonus and so peer pressure can be significant.
They discovered spectator peer pressure , fans nudging recalcitrant neighbors to participate.
Carl Gunnersley, defending Khan, said his behaviour was also affected by drink and peer pressure .
In part, the growth of peer pressure will result from revolutionary changes in pay practices.
These findings highlight the importance of peer pressures in adolescence.
However, unsophisticated people should not let peer pressure push them into a fad.
First, there was the peer pressure from my colleagues.
And they are given interpersonal strategies to avoid peer pressure to make these unhealthy choices.
Examine your doors as a burglar would, and apply a little pressure top and bottom.
The beauty of C4 is that you can apply pressure or heat and it will not detonate.
If dissent is voiced, self-appointed mind-guards apply verbal and non-verbal pressure to isolate dissenters.
While applying this pressure , the horse should not move or flinch away.
Coach Tony Dungy, once an accomplished defensive coordinator, likes to apply pressure .
Super slow-motion replays appeared to show O'Driscoll did not apply downward pressure on the ball.
Keep a thumb lightly on the spool and apply pressure as the lure hits the water to avoid backlash.
This would bring financial pressure to bear on his friends and family, and besides it was profitable.
With all the pressure brought to bear upon them, both President Lincoln and General Halleck stood by me....
That kind of pressure is difficult to bear , however self induced.
Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order: recalcitrant strikers faced lock-outs.
In London Channel 4 journalists and Insight News, the production company, brought pressure to bear .
On his eastern border, Ine brought pressure to bear on the eastern Saxons who were sheltering exiles from his kingdom.
Those groups have brought pressure to bear on government to provide resources or pursue policies to the benefit of their members.
And the police chief would stay right in City Hall, bowing to political pressures .
Chancellor Norman Lamont has bowed to pressure and will impose only a small rise on drinkers and smokers.
In August he bowed to the pressure , put Elias Snider in charge, and made Beck one of the commissioners.
Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki bowed to pressure from his supporters and formally declared his candidacy on Oct. 4.
The governors, nevertheless, bowed to pressure from Republican congressional leaders not to call for reopening welfare legislation for major changes.
He brought undue pressure to bear on his parents by giving them an entirely misleading account of the documents.
The group announced an advertising campaign to bring public pressure on lawmakers to sign the pledge.
This would bring financial pressure to bear on his friends and family, and besides it was profitable.
Lock lid in place and bring to high pressure .
In public sector schools in the late 1980s, shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees.
Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order: recalcitrant strikers faced lock-outs.
Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.
Sometimes grants are awarded to ease exceptional pressures on families.
He put a hand to his forehead to ease the pressure .
The building will help ease the growing pressure on academic accommodation.
Prompt response to requests would help to ease the pressure as would a concerted effort being made to increase membership.
Channel 4 eased the pressure for space, but also led to more programmes competing for it.
By easing cashflow pressures , it could help stimulate a change of culture in this potential growth area towards capital projects.
According to the country's national water director Americo Muianga, its managers have opened floodgates to ease pressure on its structure.
Small debts could rapidly mount up and begin to exert intolerable pressure on the relationship between husband and wife. 1.
Similarly, at interest rates below Oi l, the excess demand for money exerts upward pressure on interest rates.
A gas exerts pressure because its molecules are moving about rapidly and in random directions.
This in turn had exerted the upward pressure on bank interest rates which the government was now trying to counter.
As soon as we stop exerting ourselves the blood pressure returns to normal again.
Later on I realised the extent to which the Soviet side could exert pressure on us in these matters.
Through the forum of the Zemsky sobor and through joint petitions they were able to exert considerable pressure upon state policy.
At light-speed, however, their very velocity gives them the ability to exert pressure .
As the most expensive section of the labour force, middle-aged workers have faced very severe pressures to terminate their employment.
But it was clear he would face mounting pressure to intervene from not only congressional leaders but travelers.
Many fishermen have done well in recent years but they now face great pressure on the fish stocks.
And I knew it was a diversity facing pressures of unprecedented scale.
In a functional department we face quite properly increasing pressure on our resources.
Hospitals industrywide have been facing pressures from insurers to cut costs amid declining patient stays.
The insurance industry is also facing pressure to cut its costs.
He faces mounting public pressure to resign.
We recruit uniformed officers into plain clothes so that people like yourself, who are being eliminated, won't feel under pressure .
You never felt the pressure you felt from other choreographers.
Reinforce this so your man won't feel pressure to become aroused.
I felt the same pressure now.
Covered in sharp angled corners it feels as if the slightest pressure would collapse it.
In the meantime, they said, other broadcasters feel pressure to avoid similar violations, resulting in widespread self-censorship.
Television and radio stations also feel under pressure .
They feel the pressure , like everything is fading away.
That has increased pressure to move to a more professional army.
Executives point to increased regulatory pressures as well as scrawny profit margins on underwriting new state and local government issues.
However, many regional brewers are now coming under increasing competitive pressure .
Some analysts say the care issue will increase pressure for a complete review of funding.
Alton increased the pressure and, after squandering several chances, took the lead on 60 minutes.
A fine multi-purpose move increasing the pressure in the c-file while also eyeing the Black king.
With greater financial stringency there will be increasing pressure for economies of scale by the amalgamation of fundholding practices.
The president's foes are vowing to hold large demonstrations every few days to keep pressure on Estrada to resign voluntarily.
When you feel that telltale tug, crank the handle and keep the pressure on.
He kept Philip's intense pressure at bay.
Whatever the reasons, the en-emy kept up the pressure , with very few lulls, for over a year.
Stirling divided them up into eight patrols of three jeeps each, with orders to keep up the pressure .
A Squadron certainly did keep up the pressure and achieved the desired result, mining and ambushing merrily.
He kept up the pressure with his shoulder to give himself the widest gap possible.
Once that commitment became public, the non-government press mounted quite unprecedented pressure for reform in a whole range of different fields.
But it was clear he would face mounting pressure to intervene from not only congressional leaders but travelers.
Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor, there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards.
Indirect evidence of mounting demographic pressure is also provided by the steady destruction of the forests.
With growing assurance it mounted pressure for constitutional democracy based upon universal, equal, secret, and direct franchise.
Both sides have reacted warily to the mounting pressure to force her to testify.
Both sides are under mounting public pressure to settle the three-week dispute.
There is mounting pressure to break down the barriers protecting the tax-deductible charitable dollar.
Community demand for education is still strong, and puts further pressures on government resources.
Whatever Congress does to fix it is likely to put severe pressures on the rest of the health care system.
Les isn't putting me under any pressure there.
They put pressure on him, time after time, but Testaverde often escaped.
Nevertheless, will my right hon. Friend continue to put pressure on the 35 countries that still place restrictions on our exporters?
These forces are putting pressure on academic medical centers such as Columbia and its College of Physicians and Surgeons.
This puts enormous pressure on smaller practices'.
I think Dennis puts so much pressure on you.
Relaxation in eligibility criteria would also reduce the pressure on able-bodied recipients to look for work.
Prevents or delays high blood pressure , and reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension. 7.
Earlier publication will make timetabling easier, and reduce the pressure on staff who need to review and develop teaching materials.
In congestive heart failure, it is diminished because of low cardiac output and reduced arterial distending pressure .
Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures .
But it will reduce the pressure that so many families face in trying to get their children to and from day care.
And reduce pressure on overflowing landfill sites.
Cook 15 minutes. Reduce pressure and remove lid.
Sometimes centres were able to relieve any additional pressure on staff by allocating the equivalent of two places to one child.
It would relieve the pressure from the peace groups in the United States and mollify many of the doves.
If all else fails, you may be advised to have an operation to relieve the pressure on the nerve.
He expected to coach a few years under Parker to relieve some pressure , then pursue a head-coaching job.
It knew the bank's position; it knew how much liquidity to inject to relieve the pressure .
When he played for Phoenix, Ceballos came off the bench to relieve pressure on Charles Barkley with his shooting.
Intended to relieve pressure on the most popular courses, the system should be up and running this spring.
We dared leave the leeboards no more than half way down, with ropes and guys rigged to relieve the sideways pressure .
How effectively are club doctors able to resist these pressures ?
Whenever the jeep came, it was difficult to resist the moral pressure to keep it with me.
Chatichai resisted pressure from the military to dismiss Chalerm.
The obvious question is how long the present authoritative regime will be able to resist the pressures .
Younger players in particular, as well as less established players, may find it particularly difficult to resist such pressures .
They usually have well developed roots and fragile stems with which to resist the pressure of the current.
Mr Gorbachev is resisting centrifugal pressure , but leaving the door open for future change in party's status.
She resisted his pressure to reveal her story, but finally followed his suggestion to tell it to the hearth.
apply force/pressure
Coach Tony Dungy, once an accomplished defensive coordinator, likes to apply pressure.
How did you apply pressure to a man you could not even find?
If you have a nose bleed, apply pressure to the nose by pinching the nostrils together for about ten minutes.
Keep a thumb lightly on the spool and apply pressure as the lure hits the water to avoid backlash.
The beauty of C4 is that you can apply pressure or heat and it will not detonate.
The chance of Damien Gould helping her seemed unlikely in the extreme, unless she could apply pressure on him.
The government is applying pressure, too.
Try to apply pressure out towards the ends of your knees.
bring pressure/influence to bear (on sb/sth)
As consumers in a capitalist society we have great power to bring pressure to bear .
In London Channel 4 journalists and Insight News, the production company, brought pressure to bear .
It is no longer our job to criticize or bring pressure to bear .
On his eastern border, Ine brought pressure to bear on the eastern Saxons who were sheltering exiles from his kingdom.
Those groups have brought pressure to bear on government to provide resources or pursue policies to the benefit of their members.
Workers have their own organisations which can bring pressure to bear on governments and make demands on the state.
pile on the pressure/agony
And Walsh piled on the pressure to get promises of advertising business.
He had four chances of piling on the agony for the Londoners but could not find a way past keeper Bob Bolder.
It piled on the agony for Glasgow, who had passed up another chance two minutes before the break.
Move round him, piling on the pressure from different directions.
Pressure Gornei piled on the pressure from the start and by the end of the contest Griffin's face was badly swollen.
Then we really pile on the pressure.
They piled on the pressure to win handsomely by 30 shots.
Woosnam piled on the agony with four successive birdies.
ridge of high pressure
I just can't take the pressure at work anymore.
Inflationary pressures will lead to higher prices.
There was no water pressure in the bathroom this morning.
Blackburn cracked under the pressure , as Kerslake and Jones lined up for shots and David Mitchell cleaned up.
Every engineer knew that dollars-and-cents issues figured in his work, right along with boiler pressures and stress factors.
Indirect evidence of mounting demographic pressure is also provided by the steady destruction of the forests.
Reading cracked under intense pressure again after 69 minutes.
Suffice to say, the locals approved, and soon Cambianica felt pressure to expand his wine-making enterprise.
Tourists and immigrants are increasing the pressures on the Galapagos's already scarce resources, from fresh water to seafood.
You never felt the pressure you felt from other choreographers.
II. verb
ridge of high pressure
A child might need to be prodded or compelled to keep a promise, or simply pressured to do a job well.
Bush has been somewhat less outspoken, apparently sensitive to being seen as pressuring his successor at a tough moment.
I weighed in on Monday, got blood pressured, then drove through blinding rain into the Guildford one-way system.
Over the next few years, Mrs J was pressured into lending her son large sums of money.
Reagan was continuously being pressured to compromise in ways that preserved the influence and the policies of the defeated opposition.
The more conservative Viktor Chernomyrdin was voted in after Yeltsin was pressured into withdrawing his support for Gaidar.
When David Hale claims he was pressured into making illegal loans, he is branded a crook and a liar.