см. возникающий при ; действующий при ; окажет неоценимую услугу при ; основой при решении задач служат ; применяется при решении задач ; срабатывающий при определенной величине ; что важно при ; син. во время ; в случае
Throughout the process the orientation of the spacecraft remains the same as during the firing of the retro-engine.
When choosing organisms for artificial ecological systems, one must take into consideration their acclimatization capacities.
…propellant cut-off while fuelling or de-fuelling a launch vehicle.
In the course of manual-controlled reentry of the Soyuz spacecraft the peak acceleration stresses were considerably lower than in the case of ballistic reentry.
Escape in the event of failure during launching or along the take-off path can be effected by ejection and descent by parachute…
Star sensors are used for solution of navigational problems by astronomical methods…
…an active system of orientation is capable of… ( provided the flight control elements have adequate capacity)…