Русско-английский перевод СОВПАДАТЬ

см. тж. близко ~ ; контуры ... совпадают ; на одной линии с ; находиться на одном уровне с ; согласовываться с

• Rotate the inner disk until the figure 20 on the minutes scale is opposite the figure 40 on the miles scale.

• The results agree ( or coincide , or accord ) very closely.

• If the micrometer readings do not agree with the gauge dimensions, wear is indicated.

• Turn the knob until the pointer is coincident with zero of the index.

• Hold the bottle alongside the graduated scale until the two water levels are in line .

• The level in the bottle should be in line with zero on the burette.

• These observations fit two quite diverse sets of facts.

• The two invariants agree ( or coincide ) with those found previously.

• The milling head is moved transversely until the spindle is coincident with the centre line of the workpiece.

• The part is clamped onto the machine with its axes aligned with those of the machine.

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.